- We will charge a small fee only if your item is sold, if it does not sell you owe us nothing. For this fee we will maintain your listing including posting pictures and videos that you provide, write descriptions, provide the use of our phone number, field calls and answer questions from interested parties and general assistance with a successful transaction.
- For items priced at $25,000 or less, our fee is 5% of the selling price of the item(s) with a minimum fee of $100.00. For items priced over $25,000, the fee will be negotiated to reflect specific transaction requirements. This fee will be paid only by the seller. If you are the buyer, you will not incur any added fees from Mills Novelty Company. If we receive an "offer" to purchase at a price different then the seller's price, we will pass this offer along to the seller. But we cannot negotiate lower prices without the seller's express written permission.
- Shipping, packing and moving charges are NOT included in selling price. These will be agreed upon between the seller and buyer directly.
- Listing your item. You will need to email us and provide a detailed description of the item(s) as you would like it to appear. Please send us good quality JPG photos (Up to 3), the selling price, your name, telephone number and email address so that we can contact you. We will not consider any FOR SALE ITEM listing without this information. Sellers are responsible for content, accuracy, and other information provided.
- Contrary to misrepresentations by other dealers, we do not obligate you to an "exclusive" sale contract. If you sell your ltem(s) elsewhere you owe us nothing. We do request common courtesy. Tell us if you no longer want your item listed, have sold it elsewhere, or intend to list it with a 10%er. We normally will list an item for sale until it sells. If we determine that the same item is appearing in a dealer advertising without our prior knowledge, we will assume that it has been sold, and remove it from our listings.
- Pricing on the website. We strongly recommend that all items valued at less than $5000.00 be priced on the description on the website. Items over $5,000 may be listed as P.O.R. (price on request) so that we encourage the potential buyer to call us for details. However this is a marketing decision of the seller. We will not list the selling price unless specifically instructed by the seller to do so.
- We never list the seller's name or other information to potential buyers until a transaction is concluded. We will put the seller and buyer together in order to close a sale. We NEVER give the seller's contact information directly to a buyer inquiry. We WILL ask the seller to contact a potential buyer if we feel this is appropriate and they can then conclude the transaction together.
- Obviously, our system is based upon trust! If you sell your item thru our efforts we believe that the majority of our clients are honest and will treat us fairly. However, we reserve the right to refuse a listing from anyone at our sole discretion.
- Brokers fees. The fees quoted here are based upon MILLS NOVELTY CO. efforts to sell your item for you. However, if a legitimate broker brings us a client which buys your item, we will split our fees with that broker for making the sale. This will NOT cost the seller any additional fee or obligation the seller in anyway to the outside broker. 3/10